Earn SMART RECYCLE POINTS for your recyclables and watch them grow into TREES through RAFI-One To Tree

The Recycling for Trees campaign by Smart Recycle PH aims to keep the recyclables away from landfills and promote sustainability tracing among corporate partners, organizations, and communities.

Here’s how it works:

  • Collect recyclables such as: white and colored papers, cartons, used beverage
    cartons (UBCs), aluminum, tin, and electronic wastes.
  • Earn SMART RECYCLE POINTS for each contribution.
  • Convert your accumulated points into real trees through the
    RAFI-One To Tree program.
  • Stay updated and track your progress with the Smart Recycle PH app
    available on both iOS and Android platforms.

Join Our Campaign

Why you should join?

Practice recyclable recovery effort, support tree planting initiatives, track your progress transparently, and become part of an eco-community.

Who can join?

All are welcome to join-Corporate partners, non-government organizations, local communities, schools, and individuals!

What you get if you join?

Elevate your impact with our streamlined waste management system and sustainability tracing as a valued partner.

Here are the Steps

Request a Waste Disposal

*You will receive a quote with 48 Hours.

Get Smart Recycle Points
for your disposals

You need a SMART RECYCLE account.

Convert your Smart Recycle Points to TREES

0 +
Native Trees Achieved

Recycling for Trees Year 2 (2023-2024)

Accomplishments of Recycling for Trees Campaign Year 1 (2022-2023)

See RAFI One to TREE Certificate of Tree Growing

Recycling for Trees: Where every recyclable makes a FOREST possible
with RAFI-One to Tree.

Be part of our growing community.